~{ a work in progress}~

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I am a complete dork.....and I know it! This is the shelf in my laundry room and I am loving it! I was at Target today to finish up my "back to school shopping" and happened to go down the clearance/bundle isle. And wouldn't you know it.....I had coupons for almost everything! I of course had to load up. I am a laundry freak and this is about the best I could get that shelf looking!
I have been talking about how I want to get more into stamping and in my blog stalking to find ideas I found this really neat contest. Katharina is waiting to get to her 100,000 hit and because of that she is having a wonderful RAK. And if I win she will host a give away on my blog! Make sure to check it out:
And of course I have to add a picture of my baby, Graci. She is seriously the funniest cat ever! Now, this proves that we cannot have kids for a long time.....who would love my animals this much?


At August 13, 2008 at 8:43 AM , Blogger Tammy Beck said...

Hey there! Sorry I did not call you back last night, but my mom is having such a hard time with S.... taking all the grandkids and moving without a job or anything. She asked if she could take all 4 camping this weekend and she said
No." What a selfish bitch. Anyways, this is the last week she will see them before they move into an aparntment with other people they do not even know until their lease is up. IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!
I would love any pages that you do of Teegan. I am just thrilled someone is scrapbooking, cause it sure isn't me. I will have my cell so call me.

At August 14, 2008 at 12:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I too am a laundry Queen, and with good reason, I mean I have 4 kids and all, so it takes up A LOT of my time! I cannot wait to get my red washer and dryer and redo that laundry room...not too much longer! I completely understand the happiness that shelf brings and PS: My laundry is completely caught up...linens included!! YAY!

At August 14, 2008 at 12:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and the look on Gracie's face...priceless! It's like, "Are you serious lady, I'm tryin' to relax here!"


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